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British Moth

Call 01702 710041

Choice of 3 Different Schemes.

[a][b][c]Where ticked cover Includes:
£5,000,000 Third Party Indemnity
UK & European holidays & events
Racing, collision & salvage liability
Craft use for all 12 months of the year
Fully comprehensive cover
Theft, burglary, vandalism, fire, lightning
Falling trees, branches, fences
Racing & collision damage
Transit by road, rail or ferry
New craft up to 1 year old total loss to insured value
New for Old replacement for unrepairable spars
New for Old replacement for unrepairable sails

Download Policy Documents

View and download the Policy Wording PDF and IPID documents from here.

EXCLUDING craft used as tenders, hire/charter/reward/paid instructions or owned/used other than by private individuals, craft left unattended afloat, based outside UK/NI/CI, craft based at clubs or locations specifically excluded, craft using or fitted with hydrofoils or winged rudders or explained on the policy itself shown here [policy wording] & [IPID].

A) Third party only: £23.00

Section 1 of policy wording does not apply for Third Party only cover.

B) Fully comprehensive: premium based on the maximum sum for craft & equipment but excluding those items shown as Optional Extensions which are insured separately.

Sum up toPremium

For higher sums please phone 01702 710041.

C) New for old £8.00 Extra provides full cover for spars, sails, rigging, foils, covers damaged beyond repair arising from insured peril subject to policy exclusions.

Basic Policy Excess £35.00 which can be increased outside the UK or due to age as per policy wording.

Insure Now


We know how frustrating automated quote sites can be as most owners have individual needs, so we welcome telephone quote requests to

our specialist UK based staff during business hours.

Call 01702 710041

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